Me , Myself and I

My photo
Teenage life is a hard time This is a story of mine

Saturday 3 December 2011

Love and Lost

Well , I am now a little better than before. I went on a voyage on the sea today and thought as the ship sailed across the deep blue sea , "Why must I endure this ?". I thought about her and how she left me and it brought me to near insanity. My family don't realize this as I tend to keep all this to myself. I miss her so but I must move on. If she were to take me back , I'd do so with open arms but till that time all I can do now is watch from the sidelines as she is swept away by my old friend. I <3 her and will always will. In this post it shall be revealed the identities of those people. My <3 is a girl named Crystal. My friend that she has fallen in love with is Darius. I can do nothing but wish the 2 of you nothing but "Good Luck in your relationship. Most people don't know how I feel. Till the next post.

Daniel </3 forever alone

Friday 2 December 2011

Another day

Another day goes by and I still miss her so. It pains me but she is now with another man. Cruel fate , why does thou do this to me. I love her and always will. She is my all. My love and soul is all with her. I feel so empty now , knowing that I have to watch from the side as she , my dearly beloved , falls and cares for that man. Worse still , that man is my friend. This is a terror to my life. I feel lifeless and empty. Why cruel world ? Why ?!

Daniel *in tears*

Thursday 1 December 2011

It hurts

Heartbreak hurts. Talked to a few pals and all of them told me to move on. I'm thinking "How can I ?". I just lost a girl that I loved. It's easier said than done. And worse still , she's getting back with one of my friends. Hurts even more. For now , I'm just sitting here in the darkness as I watch the girl of my dreams taken away right in front of me. "Alas , such is the fate that I must endure". I love her for now and always.

Daniel </3

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Love ends

Sigh..Love ends in a split second..I've only known her for 2 months but I already fell in love. Well , too bad , so sad for me. My life is a wreck now. I feel lifeless , emotionless and above all , heartbroken. I should just drown myself in a sea of darkness and sit there and be emo. She was everything to me. Now it's all gone. Just someone , come save me from my misery :( .

Daniel :(

Ciao for now !!

Well , I'm blogging again. It feels good. I shall blog more often from now onwards !! Anyways , It's getting late and I need my shuteye !! Ciao for now !! Rawr

Nite all
Daniel >:3

My Dearly Beloved

I love her and always will ^^. I sacrificed so much for her. Time , energy and money. I don't ever want to let her go. She is my all. I can lose anything , but not her. Anything but her. Losing her means losing my very heart and soul itself. I can't bear it. Though we are not together , I can sense a connection between us. I hope this love will prolong !!

Daniel <3

I found my new Love

It's been ages since I last loved. What a tragic story it was. This blog is made in memory of that last love. Lately I have found my True Love. Oh , how I Love her so. She is the world to me. I love her with all my heart but I'm not too sure that it is mutual. Though this may be a risk to another heartbreak but as they say "Twas better to have love and lost than to never to have loved at all". She fills my life with life. I feel not as sad / lifeless as I do now. She is my all. She is the prettiest and cutest to me. Though she herself may not realize it , but she is beautiful and pretty beyond compare. I hope this will continue !! I'll try to keep this updated !!

Daniel =P

Saturday 21 May 2011

Grenade – Bruno Mars « Song & Lyrics

Grenade – Bruno Mars « Song & Lyrics

What hurts a person most

The thing that hurts the most to every person is
"Loving Someone That Will Never Love You Back"
"Being Played With By Someone Using Love"
"Loving Someone That Already Has Another"

My story

I have just fallen in love lately.The lady I had fallen in love with was beautiful , adorable and down to Earth . She was mesmerizing,a sight for sore eyes. It was just unfortunate that she from a different religion. My parents forbid this. It was like a sharp dagger was driven right through me. I had little choice. I had always loved her. For the past 3 years I did but I never knew whether she loved me back. Little did I know what horrible , agonizing misfortune was about to befall me. After some time of  thinking, I mustered my courage and decided to ask her out. This is espescially hard for me as I was not the sociable type. I asked her saying "Hi . Are you free this weekend . I was kinda wondering if you would like to go out with me" . How ignorant I was. Her exact reply was "Hi . Sure , I'd like to go out with you . Let's invite some of our friends too" . This was hard . After a short while , I finally explained to her that I was kinda asking her out on a date . She then replied me saying "It's kinda weird for the two of us to be going out. Let's just be friends. Nothing more". Her words were like a volley of arrows to my very heart and soul. I was greatly saddened by her words. I grieved for some time whenever I was alone but never showed or shared my sorrow with my friends. For all those who had experienced rejection , I feel for you . Some people say that "Love" is the best thing that had ever happened to them . These words are uttered by fools or the lucky ones that had never experienced rejection . This is my story , of how my heart was taken by the most amazing girl I had ever met , but also broken by the same person .